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Introduction to EPIKAIZO TV

 Hello welcome to this blog here we are passionate to build a network of young people, potential activist, world changers, people with the passion to see a transformation in our society.                                 For us to witness a change in our world especially among the younger generation we need a total re-engineering of our mindset and mentality.  We are dedicating our self, together with you reading this blog today to build a high network of young people across the world irrespective of race, color or gender.                                                                         The problem we are facing In our world today part of the main problems is disunity. Humanity is gradually diminishing in our world. People no longer care about other people the world is speedily advancing but many things that defines the true essence of our existence are gradually fading away this is not so good for our society today. YOU CAN BE PART OF THE WORLD CHANGERS Do you feel the predicamen

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